Tuesday, 21 April 2009

A bit of Isle of Man arrives in Norfolk!

Two Isle of Man B thirds arrived on the S&NLR this morning (21st April), another B third will arrive towards the end of August while a C third (the Guards carriage) will arrive in June or July.

The detailing on the carriages is exellent, they also have metal wheels.

The carriages look supurb being hauled by Cambrai, the carriages will also be hauled by Little Nellie our live steam loco arriving later in the summer

Tuesday, 14 April 2009

Open Day

Our Easter open day was a success once again with visiting locos and stock visiting from across East Anglia. There was plenty of live steam from our own and visiting traction engines, there was also an edition of a visiting 5inch tram loco.
Above: Visiting diesel from Raglen Hall Joint Railway keeps the neighbours awake with its superb sound unit.
Above: A selection of traction engines
Above: A visiting showman's engine from Raglen Hall powers a fair ground ride.
Above: The Doctor obviously didn't find that Darlek in time!
Above: Visiting diesel makes a lot of noise.
Above: One of the scratch built models from Fundenhall was this little London Transport tank engine.
Above: One of Fundenhall's scratch built diesels.
Above: This superb scratch built 'Geep' visited from Fundenhall.
A rake of Swiss stock visited from the East Suffolk Light Railway
Above: A class 66 visited from Fundenhall.
Above: A super powerful triple header made up of our own two Piko class 218s with Fundenhall's leading.

Above: This 5 & 1/2 inch tram loco a track visited from Suffolk.

Isle of Man rolling stock

Within the next two or three weeks two IoM third class carriages will be arriving on the railway, the third carriage (also the Gaurds carriage) is due to arrive in June/July.

Monday, 6 April 2009

Open Day & Other

Open Day:
As well as the usual visiting locos stock etc at our open days there may be one extra attraction for our Easter open day - those invited will have to find out what it is on the day.
The railways cattle van has recently been in the workshops and been repainted into grey livery which seems to becoming the standard livery for most of the railways vintage wagons, the wagon now complements the vintage goods train well.
Spring has sprung across the railway with the heather in flower.

Recently Sprowston West box has had a repaint into green and cream.

The Tardis was spotted at Weybourne today - The Doctor must be trying to find that Darlek that always hangs about the railway on open days...

First proper running day

The railway had its first proper running day today (Monday 6Th April) ahead of the open day on Sunday, locos running were Lilly, Annabel, Frank S on Golden Arrow duty, and two visiting locos from the Old Catton Light Railway in the form of James and Rusty - these will also be visiting on Sunday.
Above: Lilly and Annabel double head a train
Above: James and Lilly at Weybourne

Above: Frank S picks up pace after collecting the single line token from Sprowston East box

Above: Annabel departs Weybourne with a short passenger train

Above: Annabel arrives at Weybourne

Thursday, 2 April 2009

Another update

'Charles' our Mamod Traction engine has had its steam test after its repairs and is fit to run at our open day during Easter.

The S&NLR appears in the Spring 2009 edition of the G Scale Society.