Friday, 25 December 2009

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from the S&NLR

Thursday, 24 December 2009

Snow Time on the S&NLR

Over the last week snow arrived on the S&NLR giving a festive view from the carriage windows for our Santa's Specials passengers. Unlike full size trains in the UK "Little Nellie" ran extremely well with two of our Isle of Man carriages in the wintry weather.
Above: "Little Nellie" soon after arrivle at Weybourne

Above: Little Nellie steams through the wintry landscape
Above: Awaiting departure from Sprowston

Saturday, 12 December 2009

Santa Specials

The Santa Specials are now running every Sunday, and Christmas Eve, the trains this year are being hauled by our live steam loco "Little Nellie".
Starting from boxing day until New Years day Nellie will be hauling the Mince Pie Specials.

Sunday, 6 December 2009

After undergoing a spell of maintenance recently, "Little Nellie" was seen being tested ahead of the Santa's Specials yesterday evening (Saturday 6th December) with three of the railways IoM carriages
Above: "Nellie" seen at Sprowston shortly after arrival
Above: "Nellie" can be seen steaming through the late autumn countryside
Above: Departing Weybourne
Above: "Nellie" can be seen at Sprowston in the fading daylight