Sunday, 30 May 2010

Loco shed and loco update

Its now been confirmed that a new live steam loco will join "Little Nellie" this year, the new loco will be an Accucraft "Ragleth" this is a new loco in their range for 2010 and will arrive on the S&NLR in black livery. Upon the locos arrival it will be numbered 18 and named "Whitlingham Lakes".
Above: Accucrafts prototype model of the new "Ragleth"
Above: "Little Nellie" in service on the S&NLR

In other news the new loco sheds are now complete and finishes of Weybourne station well

Friday, 7 May 2010


The new engine shed is now very nearly finished, old fashioned posters has been added and the roof vents have now been put in place, all that remains to be done is to paint the roof its self, and also to lay the 'tramway' style base for the shed to sit on...
A visiting locomotive has arrived in the form of Old Catton Light Railway's Otto class no.1 "James". The locomotive has been a regulator visitor to the S&NLR but for the next few weeks the engine will be on loan to us.

Saturday, 1 May 2010

Train Now Arriving....

Over the last few weeks, like most of the UK the weather has been glorious sunshine which means perfect weather to run trains. The main locos hauling services on the S&NLR has been "Little Nellie" - still performing faultlessly, "Millie", and also "George Charles"
Above: "Little Nellie" raises pressure in the new yard at Weybourne
Above: "Millie" running bunker first departs Weybourne with the IoM set
Above: "George Charles" pounds round 'Castle Curve' with the vintage mainline coaches
Above: "Little Nellie" bursts out the tunnel

Above: "Little Nellie" rounds the curve into Sprowston Station


Lots has been happening on the S&NLR over the last month, the new loco shed for Weybourne is almost finished, and spring/summer has finally arrived which means a lot of trains have been running! And look out for a new engine arriving on the railway in June/July!
Above: the new shed in place with roof fitted, and water tower for the yard also seen in place
Above: "Little Nellie" trys out the new shed and yard

Above: and sign that summer is on the way...
Above: the TARDIS spotted at Weybourne station!!!!