Monday, 26 July 2010

Nellies adventure

Last week our live steam locomotive "Little Nellie" visited The Amber Valley Railway - Dibden Valley Railways second railway in Derby, this was Nellies very first visit to another railway away from the S&NLR and its the first time one of our locos have been outside Norfolk during our ownership!!

Above: "Little Nellie" and DVRs "River Test" - the loco will visit us later in the summer subject to repairs
Below: while at the AVR/DVR we was contracted to paint "River Tests" cranks red
This coming weekend 31st July - 1st August "Little Nellie" and a few other S&NLR locos will be visiting the Whitwell & Reepham Railway for their first steam rally event!

Friday, 9 July 2010


Three locomotives, Spreewald, U43 and V 38-15 all got a run this week for the first time in 2010 and all ran faultlessly

Ahead of its possible visit to Derby next week our live steam locomotive "Little Nellie" has been receiving some attention including having its cranks painted red