Monday, 16 May 2011

Update - 16th May

The final two coaches today came out of our works in cream and green livery making a set of four. These will be on loan to us for the summer in return for the work we have done on them

Sunday, 1 May 2011

Royal Wedding

On the evening of Friday 29th May, we ran a special train to celebrate the marriage of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge. The loco hauling the train being the ever popular Merlin Mayflower class "Marco Polo" which is on long term loan to us from the Dibden Valley Railway.

Fundenhall Visit

On Easter Bank Holiday Monday we made a visit to the Fundenhall Railway. We took along our rake of IoM coaches and steamer Edrig Class "Little Nellie"
Above: Nellie steams through the open country side
Above: Nellie brings the train off Fundenhalls impressive bridge
Above:And takes the train up the long climb to the woodland